Italy – Update on Catania airport closure

The designated operator of Italy, Poste Italiane, would like to inform that, owing to the fire that occurred at Catania-Fontanarossa Airport during the night between 16 and 17 July, the airport has been closed.

Therefore, Poste Italiane expects delays in the delivery of postal items to or from Sicily.

The following postcode areas of the Sicily region are currently affected:

–         Agrigento: 92xxx

–         Caltanissetta: 93xxx

–         Catania: 95xxx

–         Enna: 94xxx

–         Messina: 98xxx

–         Palermo: 90xxx

–         Ragusa: 97xxx

–         Syracuse: 96xxx

–         Trapani: 91xxx

Poste Italiane apologizes for any inconvenience and thanks its partners and customers for their understanding.