We are ready to keep the postal exchange going with you! Thank you!
Dear postal operators of the members of the Universal Postal Union,
You have all heard about the illegal recognition by the Russian Federation of the so-called terrorist states of “LNR” and “DNR”. Same as it had previously done in 2014 with the Republic of Crimea. The Russian Federation is currently in blatant violation of the international laws and has already begun advancing its troops toward the Ukrainian territory. Ukraine does not recognize and strongly objects such actions.
That said, the above-mentioned territories were not under the control of the Ukrainian government and not within the coverage of the Ukrainian Postal Service (Ukrposhta) since March of 2014 – the time they were seized by “LNR” and “DNR” terrorist organizations. As of today, nothing has changed in that respect. We continue to operate as normal within the territory controlled by the Ukrainian government and maintain postal exchange with all postal operators of the UPU member countries. We would kindly ask for your support in this difficult time, and the best support can be shown by doing what we do best and what we have been doing over the past 2 years, even at peaks of COVID-19 pandemic: maintain postal exchange between our countries. Our airports are open, our roads are open, our international offices of exchange are open, and we are ready to accept your postal items.
I would like to personally thank many of you who have sent us your well wishes, support letters and offers of help. Some of you have even come to visit. We value all your support and hope that we can jointly work on advancing the core objectives of the UPU – maintaining communication between people and businesses around the globe. Let us all remember how important it is for Ukrainian small business to keep it going and to be able to sell their products on your marketplaces, or for our families to receive support letters from relatives in your respective countries.
So please, do not give in to panic news or images on some media. We will do our best to keep our employees and your assets out of the harm’s way, but as of today we are standing ready to work and maintain high quality stable postal exchange with you.
Thank you in advance for your support and understanding. Please do not hesitate to ask me or our international team any questions.
Kind Regards,
Igor Smelyansky