France – Adverse weather conditions

The designated operator of France, La Poste, wishes to inform that it is currently experiencing operational difficulties owing to adverse weather conditions.  Several warnings have been issued throughout France since 17 January 2024, including prohibitions on the circulation of heavy goods traffic. Snow, black ice and high winds are causing disruption to the entire postal… Continue reading France – Adverse weather conditions

About Earthquake in Japan

Update: The designated operator of Japan, Japan Post, has informed that normal service has been restored in many of the areas affected by the earthquake. However, services in areas with postcodes 9270000 to 9299999 are still affected and the delivery of all types of inbound mail (letter-post, parcel-post and EMS items) is still subject to delays in… Continue reading About Earthquake in Japan

Thailand Post news

UPD: On 8 January 2024, the designated operator of Thailand, Thailand Post, has informed that all postal operations have returned to normal. Thailand Post thanks all its partners and customers for their understanding. The designated operator of Thailand, Thailand Post, has informed that, owing to torrential rains in southern Thailand, severe flooding has submerged roads and railways,… Continue reading Thailand Post news

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Serbia – Disruptions in postal operations

Update 27/11/202: On 24 November, the designated operator of Serbia informed that all postal operations returned to normal. Serbia – Disruptions in postal operations The designated operator of Serbia, Public Enterprise Post of Serbia, has informed that it has been experiencing disruptions in its postal operations since 24 October 2023, as a result of the unlawful suspension of work by a… Continue reading Serbia – Disruptions in postal operations

Italy – Disruption owing to flooding in Tuscany (Update 16.11.2023)

On 15 November 2023, the designated operator of Italy, Poste Italiane, informed that any disruption resulting from the flooding in Tuscany has now been resolved. __________________ The designated operator of Italy, Poste Italiane, has informed that the Tuscany region has been experiencing extreme weather conditions and flooding since 3 November 2023. As a result, Poste Italiane is unable… Continue reading Italy – Disruption owing to flooding in Tuscany (Update 16.11.2023)

Belgium – Data transmission issue

The designated postal operator of c, bpost, has informed that it is experiencing some IT issues since the morning of 8 November and are not able to transmit delivery events. The IT department is working on solving the problem and recover the data as soon as possible.  bpost will inform as soon as the situation gets back to normal and… Continue reading Belgium – Data transmission issue