Peru – State of emergency

The designated operator of Peru, Servicios Postales del Peru S.A. (SERPOST), wishes to inform that the Government of Peru has declared a state of emergency of the national road network and in the regions of Arequipa and Ica, as was already in place in the provinces of Apurimac and Cusco. New demonstrations are currently taking place,… Continue reading Peru – State of emergency

Thailand – Flooding

The designated operator of Thailand, Thailand Post, would like to inform that, since 19 December 2022, continuing rain in the southern part of Thailand has been causing flooding in the provinces of Nakhon Si Thammarat, Surat Thani, Songkhla, Trang, Phatthalung, Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat.  In this connection, a road network blockage is causing delays in the… Continue reading Thailand – Flooding

Strikes by European trade unions of postal operators

We inform you that at the beginning of November there may be some delays and restrictions in the delivery of postal items in the following countries: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The designated operator of the United Kingdom, Royal Mail, wishes to provide updated information concerning rolling postal strikes in November 2022.… Continue reading Strikes by European trade unions of postal operators

Germany – Challenges in delivering letter-post items

The designated operator of Germany, Deutsche Post, would like to inform that, owing to increasing COVID-19 infections among its staff and severe shortages on the labour market, it is currently encountering challenges in delivering letter-post items in line with its high quality standards. These challenges are mainly seen on a local or regional rather than nationwide… Continue reading Germany – Challenges in delivering letter-post items

The designated operator of Thailand would like to inform that it has opened a force majeure case because of flooding

Призначений оператор Таїланду, Thailand Post,  повідомляє про форс-мажор через повінь, спричинену тропічним штормом Нору, який обрушився на Таїланд 30 вересня 2022 року та призводить до блокування мережі доріг. Виникають затримки в транспортуванні та доставці листів адресатам, і клієнти стикаються з труднощами у доступі до поштових послуг у поштових відділеннях у деяких регіонах у таких діапазонах поштових індексів: 12XXX, 13XXX, 14XXX,… Continue reading The designated operator of Thailand would like to inform that it has opened a force majeure case because of flooding

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Canada Post has reported possible delays in the regions

Update 5/10/2022: The designated operator of Canada, Canada Post, informs that it has now resumed operations in the areas that were affected by Hurricane Fiona. Postal operations in the country have thus returned to normal with effect from 4 October 2022. The designated operator of Canada, Canada Post, has informed that Hurricane Fiona has brought devastation to the Atlantic… Continue reading Canada Post has reported possible delays in the regions